It's not everyday that you get a chance convert an old mid-rise downtown bank building called The Trust into luxury condominiums. Actually in this case we had the opportunity to design 8 custom condominiums, ranging from the contemporary style to the modern style. It helps that the building is located in "Banktown USA", (Charlotte, NC). Where, if we are not careful, there could be several bank buildings ripe for conversion if the banking industry doesn't correct itself. Below are some images from one of the upper floor residence. Notice the great views of the towers surrounding The Trust. If you truly want to live in Charlotte's urban environment I can't think of a better address. We opened up the plan to give it a large urban loft feel that was desired by the client.
We develop relationships that engage the design process and create a more stimulating interaction with the client and the end user. Our award winning high quality and earth-friendly designs have a broad appeal in multi-family & single family residential homes, recreational, corporate, retail, educational, and mixed use spaces.